Iespēja pieteikties stikla mākslas rezidencei Marseļā Isabelle Reiher, CIRVA - Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques Starptautiskais stikla un vizuālo mākslu pētniecības centrs (CIRVA) līdz 16. decembrim pieņem stikla mākslinieku un dizaineru pieteikumus rezidencei Marseļā (Francija).
Contemporary Art Centre established in Marseilles, the CIRVA is a centre for research, development and production, endowed with successful equipment for the work of glass, allowing the creation of unique works or prototypes. Created in 1983, it welcomes artists, designers and architects, willing to work with glass for innovative projects.
By launching this call for a residence, the CIRVA wishes to enlarge its mission of production centre dedicated to the international contemporary creation. It thus contributes to support the artists in all the phases of their work, from research to exhibition.
The CIRVA offers a residence of research and production to an artist, a designer or an architect on the basis of a written project or draft of project.
The selection is made from the following elements which must be supplied when applying for the residence:
- A paper file or a CD of the work of the artist containing pictures of works and/or exhibitions, a DVD for works videos.
- A text on the work.
- An artistic (draft of) project based on glass that may also involve other elements or materials.
N.B.: each of these documents takes part to the assessment of the file for the selection.
Technical team
For the realization of his researches and production, the artist works with a team of four glassworkers and a workshop co-ordinator.
Around the residence
- During the residence, the artist can be brought to meet students of an arts or design school within the framework of the organization of workshops.
- The artist can be invited to present his work during meetings organized by the CIRVA in dialogue with the artist.
Conditions of reception
- The period of the stay is to be determined according to the project and the contingencies bound to the phases of research.
- The residence can be split into several stays according to the project.
- Accommodation: a private studio apartment on the site of the CIRVA is at the artist's disposal.
- Expenses for glass production paid by the CIRVA.
- Travelling costs (round trips from home) paid by the CIRVA for each period of residence, on presentation of invoices.
- Expenses of food to be paid by the artist.
Registration deadline of the projects: December 16th, 2011 (as attested by date on postmark).
Projects to be sent to
Isabelle Reiher
62 rue de la Joliette
F-13002 Marseille
Period(s) of residence to be determined with the selected artist.
For any further information, please ask: