Slovēnijā izdota grāmata "Ulay: Become"
Škuc Gallery
The publication ULAY:Become is based on the exhibition Become, which took place in November 2009 in Škuc Gallery. Both focus on Ulay's early work, created between 1968 and 1976, seeking to present its key developments both in terms of formal language and the examination of the media of photography and performance, and their inclusion in the evolution of content in his work.
Publication cover.
In terms of formal language, Ulay captured the moments from this period with words, photography, video and performance. These media were considered subversive in the late 1960s and early 1970s, as their nature revealed a different attitude of the artist to the world and the art system. The publication Become features an introduction by curator Tevž Logar based on the segments of the exhibition that focus exclusively on work created between 1968 and 1976. This is followed by an interview with Marina Abramović, where the artist speaks about Ulay's early work and tries to place them in a wider artistic context, but also draws attention to their role in the context of Relation Work. The last text is by Thomas McEvilley, who puts Ulay's early work in the context of this entire body of work. In addition to texts, the publication includes rich visual material – reproductions of art works and photographs of the exhibition. Although the exhibition focuses on a fairly short period of Ulay's oeuvre, which could at first seem like a rough part, artificially torn from the whole, it is actually the opposite, as this period reveals well the arche of his artistic practice, providing us with a code to experience his later work.

Published by: Škuc Gallery
Edited by: Tevž Logar, Ulay
Texts: Thomas McEvilley, Tevž Logar
Interview: Marina Abramović
Language: Slovene, English
Translations: U.T.A.
Design: Ajdin Bašić
Pages: 125
Print run: 750
Date: 2010

ISBN 978-961-6751-27-8

Publication was supported by
Ministry of Culture of Slovenia
Mondriaan Foundation
ČUČEK Collection
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